The Executive is the Board of the PANSW – it monitors the performance of the PANSW to ensure it is achieving the democratic decision of Conference. Each Executive Member is a current serving police officer that has been elected by groups of 1,000 members to represent them.
Every two months, the Executive meets to review the activities, plans and performance of the PANSW. All information regarding the PANSW’s activities and future plans are presented to the Executive, and they consider that on behalf of the police officers who elect them.
Executive members also typically volunteer their time to also serve as Branch Officials and Delegates. They are incredibly committed to looking after their fellow police officers and devote a large amount of their own time and energy to doing so.
President: Kevin Morton
Kevin is a General Duties Sergeant attached to Northern Beaches PAC. He’s served more than 30 years with the NSW Police, including at Kings Cross and Sydney’s Northern Beaches. He’s been Field Organiser for the PANSW, an Executive Member and served as PANSW Vice President for four years.
He was elected as PANSW President in 2022. Sergeant Morton is the only full-time official of the PANSW. The Vice President, Treasurer and Executive Committee members are all operational NSW police officers who perform their PANSW roles in an honorary capacity.
Vice President: Ian Allwood
Ian is a General Duties Sergeant currently stationed at Nelson Bay in the Port Stephens Police District. He joined the NSW Police in 1996 after serving in the Royal Australian Navy as a Gunner and undertaking two tours during the First Gulf War. He has served in every police region and attached to numerous police stations including Wollongong, Nowra, Huskisson, Sussex Inlet, Ulladulla, Walcha and Raymond Terrace.
He first became involved with the PANSW as a Branch Official in Nowra in 1997 and was involved in the transition to 12-hour shifts and the inaugural First Response Agreement negotiation. He has remained active in a variety of roles in branches that at the various locations that he has been attached to.
After serving as the Executive Member of Northern Region Area 1 for four years, he was elected as PANSW Vice President.
Treasurer: Roger Campton
Roger began his career with the NSW Police Force in 1998. He worked in General Duties and spent time in the Intelligence Response Team and Criminal Investigations. I then transferred to State Crime Command, Property Crime Squad. He returned to General Duties with a transfer to Brewarrina before being promoted to General Duties Sergeant at Bourke. After four years at Bourke, he transferred to Deniliquin General Duties in 2010. He is a Proactive Crime Team Sergeant attached to Murray River Police District.
He has always been an active member of the PANSW. After transferring out West, he recognised a need for greater advocacy for his fellow members with the unique challenges of working in small country towns.
He joined the Executive in 2017 as the Executive Member for Southern Region Area 1, serving for five years in the role.
Roger was elected to the role of PANSW Treasurer in 2022.
NW Met Region Area 1: Aaron Rynehart
NW Met Region Area 2: Alison Dixon
Alison joined the NSWPF in 2002. She has spent the majority of her career working in North West Metri Region 2 at Northern Beaches and North Shore performing General Duties, training and Criminal Investigation which is her passion.
She developed an interest in PANSW early in her career after attending branch meetings at her local PAC. She went on to become a Branch Official at Northern Beaches PAC, which fueled her interest after observing how PANSW assisted members with legal and welfare assistance.
Alison was elected as the Executive Member for North West Metro Region 2 in 2018. Alison encourages all members to join their local branch and become involved in PANSW in a more active role.
SW Met Region Area 1: Stephen Waddington
SW Met Region Area 2: Elise Hulley-Thomas
Elise attested in 2009 and was stationed at Campbelltown in General Duties. She then transferred out to Brewarrina on special remote duties. When the three-year tenure was completed, she transferred back to Campbelltown in General Duties, reaching the rank of Leading Senior Constable, moving into a Field Intelligence before becoming an Intelligence Officer.
She became involved with the Campbelltown Branch in 2018, ultimately taking on the role of Chairperson and achieving a number of strong outcomes for the area including influential First Reponse Agreement negotiations.
She has attended three Conferences as a delegate and has spoken to a number of motion on the floor.
Elise was elected as the Executive Member for South West Metro Region 2 in 2023.
Southern Region Area 1: Angus Longley
Angus attended his first conference in 2022 as a Delegate which was greatly beneficial in being able to see firsthand how the Association operated.
He was elected as an Executive member for Southern Region Area 1 in September 2023 and am proud to represent the Southern region area and be an advocate for regional policing. I am passionate about members being treated fairly and receiving everything they are entitled too. At present I am trying to establish branches in the major regional areas that currently don’t have them and generate an interest in branch activism. Having active branches with passionate branch officials help to protect the rights of the members and go towards are happy and healthy workplace.
Southern Region Area 2: Kelly Hallinan
Kelly joined the NSWPF in August 2001 and commenced my duties at Lake Illawarra. She remained there in General Duties for three years before transferring to the Prosecutions Unit. I was with the Prosecutors for three years and travelled around the Southern and Metropolitan regions.
In 2007, she transferred back to Hurstville, where she remained in General Duties. In 2010, she returned to Lake Illawarra. During this time, she engaged with the PANSW and was so impressed with the Association that she became involved with the local branch. The same year, she worked on a flexible work arrangement, advocating for inclusivity regarding family needs.
She has remained at Lake Illawarra since 2010 and moved from brief handling back to General Duties. During this time, she completed a Bachelor of Law and became a practising Solicitor.
She was the Chair at Lake Illawarra before being elected as Executive Member for Southern Region Area 2 in 2023
Northern Region Area 1: Paul Ireland
Paul commenced his career with NSWPF in 2002 at Parramatta, moving to Tuggerah Lakes then back to Castlereagh LAC where he was stationed at Walgett and Collarenebri for 7 years. He moved back to the Hunter Valley and has worked at Maitland and is now at Cessnock as a Team Leader primarily in General Duties.
Upon transferring out West, he became more active in the Branch and stepped up into a Vice Chair role, moving to Chairperson of the Branch and becoming a Delegate to Conference for Western Region.
When he transferred to Northern Region, Paul continued his involvement at Branch level and as a Delegate while expanding his knowledge base. He joined the Executive in 2022 as the Executive Member for Northern Area Region 1 when former Northern Region Executive Member Ian Allwood took on the role of PANSW Vice President.
Northern Region Area 2: Darren McCaughey
Darren has been an NSW Police Officer for over 33 years and a PANSW member involved in PANSW local Branches for his whole career. He is currently a GD’s Sergeant at the Tweed Byron PD, having been extensively involved as a PANSW Local Branch Official in various capacities in General Duties and Specialist Commands throughout my career. He isa Branch Welfare Officer (BWO) and is proudly an Executive Member of the PANSW for the area known as ‘Northern 2’.
He's passionate about helping members, giving advice and support on a myriad of matters such as Operational and industrial Issues and Complaint and Welfare Matters, doing so with confidentiality and compassion.
He advocates and fights for members rights including those members unable or unsure how to do so themselves. He's committed to obtaining the best outcome for our membership. He does so diligently and professionally; simply trying to make our workplaces better, striving for the best outcomes for not only our local branches but for the membership.
Western Region: Chris Jordan
Chris joined the NSWPF on a graduate entry, being part of DPP3, graduating on 12 May 2000. He was posted to Armidale and has maintained his entire policing career in what he calls a "wonderful community". HIs duties include General Duties, single unit policing, crime prevention and licensing.
His involvement with PANSW came during the Death & Disability campaign in 2011. The Branch in Armidale had only one Branch Official and our former Organiser put the challenge out for someone to step up as Administrator. Chris was stirred knowing that members were directly being affected. In addition, he had seen members being ill-treated and saw they were lacking representation for someone to step in on their behalf, even if it was at a cost to their own careerd. That same passion is still as strong today as it was in 2011.
Chris joined the Executive on 10th February 2020.
"Rest assured, everything I do is member benefit and welfare first, particularly for Western and Regional members. The reward is seeing and knowing members are taken care of and achieving goals, placing my own goals and ambitions at a far distant second place." - Chris Jordan
Central Met Region Area 1: Oliver Behrens
After completing his degree in Technology Management (Instrumentation & Control) and some years of Army Reserve Service (Lieutenant with 1/15 RNSWL, Armoured Recon), in 1998 Ollie graduated from the Academy and joined NSW Police starting his policing career at City Central.
After a move to Surry Hills in 2002, he was elected to the local Branch and in 2005 took over as the local Branch Chair, a position he has held since.
In 2013, Ollie was elected to the Police Association of NSW Executive representing over a thousand police in Central Metro 1 (Sydney City, The Rocks, Kings Cross, Rose Bay, Eastern Beaches, Eastern Suburbs, Surry Hills and Region).
He took on committee responsibilities for the Uniform Standards Committee (Uniform Board), Communications Committee, Vehicle Standards Committee, Key Worker Housing, and Wall to Wall. He has also contribute to FRPA Committee, Finance & Governance Committee, and holds a Deputy seat on the Police Superannuation Advisory Committee and holds a delegate to council position with the Police Federation of Australia.
Central Met Region Area 2: Graham Condon
Non LAC Region Area 1: Stephen McDonald
Non LAC Region Area 2: Christine Woods
Christine has been in the NSW Police Force for more than 22 years, beginning her career at The Rocks at The Rocks Local Area Command and then worked in the Anti-Theft and the Region Enforcement Squads in Surry Hills. She was then seconded with the Australian Federal Police as a member of the Airport Uniformed Police for two years.
After the secondment ended, she returned to General Duties at Hurstville Local Area Command. She was then promoted to the rank of Sergeant in 2015 at the Police Transport Command (PTC). In 2021, she was promoted to the rank of Senior Sergeant at PTC North Central, where she is currently stationed.
Throughout the course of her career, she has been an active member of the PANSW as a Vice Chair and Branch Administrator in various locations.
In January 2023, Christine was elected as the Executive Member for Non-LAC 2, filling a long-term vacancy in the position.
Non LAC Region Area 3: Peter Gurr
Peter commenced his policing career at Surry Hills in 2003 in General Duties. After completing the Operational Safety Instructor course, he transferred to the NSW Police Academy in Goulburn, where he completed duties in the Weapons and Tactics Training Unit.
Other duties during his time at the Academy have included conducting Police Practicals, coordinating the Student Management Unit, and acting as a Session 1 and Session 2 Facilitator.
Peter became a Branch Official at the Police Academy and was elected as Branch Administrator. He was elected to the Executive in 2019 and was awarded the Branch Official of the Year Award in 2020.
Non LAC Region Area 4: Chad George
Chad attested from the NSW Police Academy in Goulburn in 1995. He was initially stationed at City of Sydney Station before being moved to Petersham and then Marrickville. He primarily worked in General Duties during this period and worked in proactive policing teams. In 1999, he moved to Highway Patrol on the Northern Beaches before being promoted to Sergeant.
After moving to Gosford in 2004, he was involved in a Critical Incident which sadly resulted in the death of a colleague. The support that the PANSW provided to him during the subsequent Coronial Inquest and to the family of the police officer who passed away stayed with him. Wanting to give back to the membership, he became involved in the Brisbane Waters Branch of the PANSW.
In 2011, he transferred to Tweed Heads Highway Patrol as a Supervisor. In 2014, he was promoted to Senior Sergeant as the Cluster Supervisor. At Tweed Heads, he became a Branch Official and worked closely with former Executive Member Mick Buko. A restructure within the Command in 2020 saw him re-engage with the PANSW and gain a greater understanding of the assistance provided by the Industrial Team.
Following this period, Chad took on a Supervisor position at Byron Bay. In 2024, he moved back to Tweed Heads as the Highway Patrol Supervisor where he is currently stationed.
As an Executive member for Non-LAC 4, he looks forward to implementing the new Award and explaining the benefits to members.
Chad has been involved for many years with the Wall To Wall Ride for Remembrance as a Committee Member and participant. The annual events have raised thousands of dollars for NSW Police Legacy.