

The Police Association of NSW welcomes The NSW Government’s acceptance of the NSW Flood Inquiry’s recommendations to establish a dedicated Deputy Commissioner to take on the State Emergency Operations Controller (SEOCON) responsibilities. 

This recognises the diverse skill set and experience of NSW Police Officers. Police not only perform an essential law enforcement function, but they are also highly experienced in emergency management, cross-agency coordination and community safety. Whatever the challenge, circumstances or expertise required, NSW Police Officers are the best placed to protect the citizens of the State.

The PANSW was actively involved in putting forward recommendations in its submission to the Flood Inquiry, including establishing a formalized structure with permanently funded emergency management positions in high-risk areas across the state to ensure that disaster response and recovery efforts are streamlined. 

“I am pleased that the NSW Government has recognized the critical role of the men and women of the NSWPF in coordinating and managing our state’s emergency management response.” said PANSW Kevin Morton. 

“We look forward to working with the NSW Government, NSWPF and other government agencies involved to formalise this structure and identify any further resources needed.”

Media contact: Alana Mew, 0419 929 722